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Clean Your Microwave with Vinegar

To clean your microwave with vinegar, follow these steps:

  1. Pour equal parts of water and vinegar into a microwave-safe bowl.

  2. Place the bowl in the microwave and heat it on high power for 5 minutes.

  3. Let the bowl sit in the microwave for 2-3 minutes to allow the steam to loosen any grime.

  4. Carefully remove the bowl from the microwave and wipe down the interior with a sponge or cloth.

Vinegar is acidic and can help tackle all sorts of yucky messes, including grease residue, soap scum, hard water stains, and food splatters . It’s an easy and cheap way to get the job done without any elbow grease . If you want to add a pleasant scent to your cleaning solution, you can add a few drops of essential oil or lemon juice .

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